So about two years ago I would never touch coffee. I just simply didnt like it ...i dont think i had really given it a shot but I didnt want to risk the idea of being "addicted" to something ...I know ...sounds funny right ...but that all changed when i went to brazil.
Two years ago I made my first trip to brazil. Coffee or as it is called in Brazil, Cafe, is life ...its culture ...for brazilians its part of who they are. Everyone and I mean everyone, uses the same type of glasses to drink of out ...with the same type of utter to strain the coffee and put it in the same thermos to stay warm. Oh and I have to add that they all add tons of sugar. Every morning which might seem mundane to us is so essential to them. A french bread roll, buttered, and a small glass of sugary coffee. I grew to love coffee. I loved the process. It was work to make this coffee. As Americans we are so spoiled with our easy 1-2-3 coffee makers that do everything for us. I had no idea how to make coffee without a maker. However, its quite simple. As soon as we would wake up we would boil a big pot of water. Almost like when youre making pasta. As soon as the water boils you turn off the heat and add the coffee. Then after stirring it around you pour it through a strainer ...we would call it an utter (because of the shape) and put it into the thermos bottles to stay hot. Im telling you this, I dont know why ...but I guess this is where I fell in love with coffee ....oh yeah .....so now I'm addicted!
After returning from brazil coffee was hard to like here. Starbucks sucks ...too bitter. It just wasnt the same. I enjoyed making coffee at home and settled for that. Then one day I was at a friends house and she offered me a cup of coffee. You can never deny a cup! But what I didnt realize was that she made it from this really high-tech device that vibrated. She would place a coffee pod (coffee inside a closed filter) into this machine, hold down, and out came a cup of hot coffee with FROTH on top. Funny word. Froth. Anyhow, I was so amazed at this snobby coffee machine that I looked it up. It was a Senseo and they are pretty expensive. But I was so intrigued by the froth on the top. All of the sudden, I wanted froth in my coffee every morning! I used craigslist just to look but they were still too expensive. However, I found an expresso/cappuchino coffee maker for a mere $15. And now I'm really in love!
So this new buy of mine has the ability to steam milk! and i can have froth! I never thought I would be such a coffee snob but I have loved finding my own unique taste of how I like my coffee. Every morning now I love thinking about making a hot, dark, rich, creamy, FROTHY, cup of coffee with stevia! I love it ...coffee brings us together. Drinking coffee with friends is one of the best things in life. And with the caffeine as my friend Holly would say, "Im ready to save the world!"
A great cup of coffee would usually send us into creative mode or brainstorm mode. Tons of ideas would come about ...plans of action ...things to do ...people to see and save ...peace to be known throughout the world ...and much much more! Its great what a cup of coffee can do and I have loved to see my coffee taste evolve from unknown and nonexistent to a small dark, sweet cup in brazil to my new frothy invention!
I think coffee really does warm our soul and one should definitely take the risk and enjoy!
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