I have never like writing before. In high school, like everyone else, I was required to take English. Mrs. Thomas was my English teacher. She was very wise, modest yet witty and had a passion to teach. She could be a character in a movie. Rarely showing emotion and always demanding the best from you. Every once in a while you would get a tiny smile but it would quickly fade back into the seriousness of the literature. I wanted to do well in English so I could have a good GPA, so I could impress Mrs. Thomas but other than that I loathed it.
Upon arriving at college I quickly chose a major that had nothing to do with English, writing, essays, literature, or all of that. I chose computer science. See, I love science and math. Ah problem solving. Its great. Little puzzles all day. Learning how to solve a suggested problem while being efficient, resourceful and timely was my job. I loved coding. I also, as an emphasis, studied spanish. I loved, and still do, the culture and have taken spanish my whole life so i wanted to continue studying it. Knowing me I would forget it easily so I had to continue! Anyway, reflecting about my college time I came to the conclusion that I love languages. I learned the ins and outs, library after library of different computer languages, how they're built, syntax, semantics, variables, and functions. What it all comes down to is that I have a passion for language. Naturally the idea of english classes, literature, essays, term papers, and gatherings of ideas all makes me go crazy. However, coming to the conclusion that I'm quite good at languages makes me want to write. Although I hate it. Yes I know. Weird.
Maybe like how your taste buds can change my love for "writing" will change. But as my teammates would say, "dont get crazy" so I wont promise anything. I love blogging when I get inspired. Sometimes I journal. Sometimes I paint. Sometimes I have to draw. Sometimes I get ideas to create businesses. Its this creative bug. I'm not particularly good at painting, or drawing, or writing or any of these but I enjoy it and I feel compelled to do it. For example, I will get a yearning to paint and it wont go away until I satisfy it. Anyway, I dont really know how i got off on this tangent but just some background info on my personality :)
so where were we .... yes, writing. So my friend recently presented me with the idea of a writing prompt. She would chose the topic and we would write about it and then share and read each others reflections. I joyfully agreed then the thought quickly passed into my mind how i dont really like to write. I tried to push those thoughts out of my head and thought that this was a "cool" idea. So a couple days went by and I, to be honest, forgot about the assignment. My friend asked me how it was coming and i smiled and she knew. "You haven't done it yet, huh," she said. She knows me oh too well. So just to prove her wrong I felt the urge to do this. But once again it quickly left my mind. See I have to be passionate about something to write, feel compelled, on fire, with no one to listen so I'm forced to write it down or type it out. Which now leads me here.
Today I decided to blog about this so-called writing prompt. I sit down at my computer. Get a cold summertime Chicago ale out and think this is it. Then I start to think, which quickly gets sidetracked by updating my blog profile, adding new gadgets, etc. Oh the geek in me. Okay! So I start thinking, reflection, pondering, and wondering. This got me to where I am now. Thinking about english and writing!!!!! But its that the point of writing prompts. They give you a direction and you go with it. I just started typing and this is what came out. Maybe next time I'll actually do the writing prompt.